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2012 Hurricane Policy

Hurricane Preparation Guidelines
for Playa del Mar Residents

Hurricane Category HURRICANE SEASON begins June 1 and ends November 30. The coast of South Florida can be threatened anytime during this season. The following is intended to give residents a more concise picture of what to expect should a hurricane threaten our area. Make sure the management office has a key to your apartment - otherwise in an emergency, forced entry may be necessary. Emergency contract information should be on file with the office.

HURRICANE WATCH: (a hurricane may threaten the area within 24 - 36 hours) a notification will be posted and emailed to owners.

  1. Owners are responsible for their individual units:

    • Hurricane Shutters Closing all shutters: the Association will not assume responsibility for closing shutters, except where it pertains to common areas

    • Removing all items from the balcony

    • Residents who have departed for the season must remove furniture and all items from their balcony – or arrange for a neighbor to do so

    • Residents who leave for more than 5 days during hurricane season must remove furniture and all items from the balcony, and close shutters


  2. No Employees Security Staff: When sustained winds reach 35mph, all security, maintenance and cleaning staff will be leaving the premises, except for those that volunteer to stay. The volunteer staffing will begin by manning the front desk.

  3. PDM Maintenance Staff: Employees of PDM will be responsible to secure areas that are ‘Common Areas’ such as the pool, pool and patio furniture, building shutters (NOT APARTMENT SHUTTERS), roof-top equipment; in general, anything that pertains to the building common areas.

Click to 'Broward County Hurricane Preparedness web page MANDATORY EVACUATION NOTICE issued by the Broward County Mayor. Our building is in an evacuation zone, therefore, in all probability, we will experience some flooding and a mandatory evacuation. You should plan ahead to go further inland or completely out of the hurricane strike zone. There are hurricane shelters throughout Broward County. Individuals with a handicap or medically unable to go to a shelter should check into a hospital.

  • No AC Building services will be shut down – this includes water and air conditioning in the common areas

  • Elevators will not be in service

  • No Water Water supply will be shut off in apartments (no water or air conditioning)

  • Garage doors will be left in the open position

  • Turn off the main breaker box and water supply to your apartment

PLEASE NOTE: Residents, who do not leave the building, stay at their own risk! Neither the police nor fire department will be able to provide assistance in cases of an emergency.


  • Employees WILL NOT return to work until the wind speed is below 35 mph and travel is possible

  • Florida Power and Light will not turn power back on immediately; it can be hours or days before electricity is restored

  • Hurricane Category The Emergency Generator will operate only one elevator for police and fire emergencies and emergency lighting (hallway and stairwell lighting)

  • Garbage pick-up service will also be interrupted and our garbage compactor will be out of service until FPL restores the electric (DO NOT THROW GARBAGE OR HUMAN WASTE DOWN THE TRASH SHUTES)

  • Residents may be required to show proof of residency to get back onto the Barrier Island - a Florida driver?s license and current FPL bill can be used to prove residency.

Click to 'Broward County Hurricane Preparedness web page HURRICANE INFORMATION: There are many sources for information about hurricanes and preparedness. Visit www.broward.org/hurricane for information on preparedness and shelters. Without electricity, transistor radios and cell phones may be the only source of communications (remember you have to recharge you cell phone so have a car recharger available).

A FINAL NOTE: The Board, Management and employees will do everything in their power to ensure the safety of residents and the building; however, circumstances will dictate what is possible without endangering the lives of these individuals. Full services will be restored as soon as they can be safely initiated. Your full cooperation is requested during these emergency and dangerous times.

A FINAL FINAL NOTE: Since your computer will soon run out of battery power when electrical power is disrupted, this information may not be available when it is most needed. As such, Click Here to download a printable version of the Playa del Mar Hurricane Policy.

Playa del Mar Board of Directors
June 18, 2012

2008 Hurricane Policy

Hurricane Information and Guidelines
for Playa del Mar Residents

Hurricane Category The following is intended to give residents a more concise picture of what to expect should a hurricane threaten our area. Immediately following an official announcement of a ‘Hurricane Watch’ (Notification will be posted):

  1. Owners are responsible for their individual units:

    • Closing all shutters: the Association will not assume responsibility for closing shutters, except where it pertains to common areas

    • Removing all items from the balcony

    • Residents who have departed for the season must remove furniture and all items from their balcony – or arrange for a neighbor to do so

    • Residents who leave for more than 5 days during hurricane season must remove furniture and all items from the balcony, and close shutters (hurricane season is June 1 to November 1)


  2. Security Staff: Officially, when sustained winds reach 35 mph, all security staff will be leaving the premises, except for those that volunteer to stay. The volunteer staffing will begin by manning the front desk, then receiving, and followed by the rover.

  3. PDM Maintenance Staff: Employees of PDM will be responsible to secure areas that are ‘Common Areas’ such as the pool, pool and patio furniture, building shutters (NOT APARTMENT SHUTTERS), roof-top equipment; in general, anything that pertains to the building common areas. As in the case of security staff, PDM employees will not be expected to stay on the property when winds reach the 35 mph levels.

  4. Hurricane Category If a Mandatory Evacuation Notice is issued:

    • Building services will be shut down – this includes water and air conditioning in the common areas

    • Elevators will not be in service

    • Hurricane Category Water supply will be shut off in apartments (no water or air conditioning)

    • Garage doors will be left in the open position

  5. Immediately after the Hurricane:

    • Employees WILL NOT return to work until the wind speed is below 35 mph and travel is possible

    • FPL will not turn power back on immediately; it can be hours or days before the electric is restored

    • Hurricane Category The Emergency Generator will operate only one elevator for police and fire emergencies and emergency lighting (hallway and stairwell lighting)

    • Garbage pick-up service will also be interrupted and our garbage compactor will be out of service until FPL restores the electric (DO NOT THROW GARBAGE DOWN THE TRASH SHUTE)

    A FINAL NOTE: There are multiple factors involved during the course of a threat of a hurricane or mandatory evacuation, and circumstances can vary, but we should always prepare for the worse and take in account the information contained in this document. The Board, Management and employees will do everything in their power to ensure the safety of residents and the building; however, circumstances will dictate what is possible without endangering the lives of these individuals. Full services will be restored as soon as they can be safely initiated. Your full cooperation is requested during these emergency and dangerous times.

    Playa del Mar Board of Directors
    June 24, 2008

2007 Hurricane Policy

Hurricane Policy

Hurricane Category A hurricane is probably the most devastating and the most potentially dangerous natural phenomenon we, as South Florida oceanfront property owners, will face. The fact that we are members of a condominium community, instead of a single-family building, establishes certain standards of deportment that must be understood and accepted during an emergency. Only in this manner can the well-being of all persons concerned with Playa del Mar be maintained. It is the purpose of this policy, consequently, to outline the procedures to be followed immediately before a hurricane.

For Reference purposes, the following definitions will be used:

A “Hurricane” is a tropical storm with wind speeds of 74 M.P.H. or greater.

A “Hurricane Alert” designates that a hurricane is posing a possible threat to an area.

A “Hurricane Watch” designates that a hurricane constitutes an appreciable threat to an area.

A “Hurricane Warning” designates when an area is expected to feel the dangerous effects of a hurricane.

Hurricanes are classified as follows:

Hurricane Is Devastating Category 1 - Winds of 74 - 95 M.P.H.

Category 2 - Winds of 96 - 110 M.P.H.

Category 3 - Winds of 111 - 130 M.P.H.

Category 4 - Winds of 131 - 155 M.P.H.

Category 5 - Winds of 156 M.P.H. or more

This is officially known as the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.

Whenever evacuation of a building has been advised or ordered by a government agency having jurisdiction in the matter, the Board shall take action to protect Association property. Its actions may include (but not be limited to) termination of water, air conditioning, and other utility services; termination of elevator operation; suspension of security services and operation of security equipment; changes in the plumbing, electrical, and other service and operation systems of the building as it reasonably deems necessary or desirable to minimize actual or potential damages to condominium property.

General information for your perusal:

  • Fully Gassed Your car should be fully gassed during Hurricane Season.
  • Make arrangements in advance as to where you will go before the hurricane arrives. Take your valuables with you. e.g. jewelry, money, etc.
  • Do not stay in the building. There will be no water or electricity.
  • Listen to the reports on the radio or TV.
  • Fully Gassed Make sure anyone on medication has an adequate supply before leaving.
  • Learn the locations of the safety shelters.
  • Make a list of all valuable items in your unit, which cannot be taken with you.
  • Contact your insurance company as to whether you have adequate coverage.
  • Please check your storm shutters. As you know, many of the old shutters blew off the building during Hurricane Andrew.

General Manager

The Manager serves as the coordinator of all activities of PDM facilities during a Hurricane emergency. He acts under the direction of the in-residence Board members.

Three days prior to landfall

  1. The Manager will remove all loose items from roofs, grounds, and pool - i.e., furniture, trash containers, etc.

  2. The Manager will prepare for installation of storm shutters for the first floor.

Two days prior to landfall

  1. Manager Moves Records The Manager will remove and store office records and equipment on upper floors of the building.

One day prior to landfall

  1. The Manager will drain the pool 18 inches. The pool will be superchlorinated after flooding conditions have ceased.

  2. Shut off pumps and heater.

  3. Secure protective covers to shafts on roofs and cover air shaft.

  4. Complete installation of shutters on first floor.

At least six hours prior to landfall

If the order is given to evacuate, the Manager will be responsible for the following:

  1. See that all residents have evacuated the building.

  2. Run elevators to the third and fourth floors.

  3. Manager Switch Off Electric Pumps Cut off main switch to roof and elevator equipment.

  4. Cut off main switches to first-floor equipment.

  5. Switch off all pumps and electronic panel power for electric pumps.

  6. Turn off main valve for domestic water into building.

  7. The Front Door (Lobby) Will be Free to Exit The front door (lobby) will be free to exit until the last minute. It will then be secured.

  8. The Manager will give special care to handling of keys and other sensitive materials during the preparation for a hurricane emergency.

  9. The Manager and staff, after securing PDM facilities in accordance with procedure will evacuate the area when ordered by the appropriate authorities. The Manager and staff will be back on duty no later than two hours after the evacuation order has been lifted.


  1. Owners should adhere to the instructions issued during a hurricane emergency by the Manager and/or the Board. This also applies to lessees and guests in residence.

  2. Owners must remove all balcony furniture if they are going to be out of residence for any time between May 15 and November 15. Failure to do so will make the respective owner responsible for any damages caused by those items. This applies to lessees also.

  3. Volunteer Owners or lessees in residence during the Hurricane Season should register with the Manager prior to the season as to their availability to assist in carrying out the Hurricane Operation Procedure. The work to be accomplished is more than the Manager and his staff can carry out alone. The Manager will assign tasks to those who volunteer, as he deems appropriate.

  4. Evacuation When evacuation is ordered by the authorities, all owners and lessees must evacuate the building and advise security where they will be and when they plan to return. Anyone requiring assistance in locating temporary shelters should so advise the Manager.

  5. Everyone should carefully study the bulletins issued by Civil Defense - "Hurricane Program Do's and Don'ts" and "When a Hurricane Threatens."

  6. Owners are responsible for securing their individual units in accordance with the Hurricane Operation Procedure - e.g. closing of hurricane shutters, taping of windows if appropriate, etc. Notwithstanding the above, if a non-resident fails to secure his unit, the Manager or the Association will not be liable for any corrective action so taken. All owners and lessees should close their storm shutters when leaving during the season.

  7. Residents should move their second or third cars to a safe place west of the intracoastal when a Hurricane Watch is issued. If an owner is not on residence but has left his car, he/she should leave the car keys with a friend to move it to a safe area.

Playa del Mar
Board of Directors



Playa del Mar

3900 Galt Ocean Drive - Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
(954) 561-0990 - Fax: (954) 563-9239